October 05, 2012

Build a six degrees of motion platform with Arduino

 For those looking to move something on a fixed platform that requires more than just a pan and tilt head, check out this next project. With an Arduino, six servos, and a lot of laser-cut acrylic Instructables user 'kroymander' has created an excellent platform with six degrees of movement. It sounds complex but is quite the opposite, as all the design files are included as well as .eps files to send to a laser cutter to make the pieces. And here it is in action:

Certainly a great project without too much effort. To get started visit the project page. And for more, we're on twitter and Google+, so follow us for news and product updates as well. 

If this sort of project intrigues you and you're new to Arduino, the first step is a solid board for your projects - our Freetronics Eleven - the Arduino-Uno compatible with low-profile USB socket, onboard prototyping space and easy to view LEDs:

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